Monday, June 4, 2012

A Flame of White and Crimson

Poling Hall

Wallace Hall

Dahl Chapel

"Let there be light."


Haldeman-Theissen Science Building

This weekend, Monmouth College hosted their Golden Scots Celebration.  I've always admired the pride and love that MC grads, no matter how long they've been out of school, have for their alma mater.  Especially this one, who keeps an incredible and inspiring blog and to whom I definitely need to send a letter.  

Also, my beautiful parents...

 ...these guys, who, even though they aren't done with school yet, know how to run all the fancy equipment in the world and put up with my paparazzi self...

...this girl, who's pretty awesome, especially at all things theater...

...and many many more for whom Monmouth College is or was "what college was meant to be."

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